Welcome to our family's space, where we will share our experiences on our little block of Australia...
Home Improvements
Since John arrived last Thursday he has worked on improving the living conditions of Wallaby Scrub. We now have running water again (this had stopped a little while ago when our plumbing spat the dummy and I had no idea how to fix it). We have better lighting throughout the house now with hallogen lights fitted to our darker areas. The back door is back on its hinges. New solar batteries and a new bigger generator means more computer time ... YEAH! We've pulled out the original carpet in the living room and are waiting to put down brand new vinyl.
Wallaby Scrub has been rejuvinated. You see... I said I needed the farmer around here.
Our neighbour came to visit today. He had dug up about a hundred lettuce seedlings, plus some other assorted seedlings for me to plant in my garden. So no guessing what I did for a good part of this afternoon! We're going to have lettuce 'coming out our ears' in a few weeks. I better make sure the garden is goat proof: last year, just days before harvesting, a wild billygoat got into the lettuce and devoured every single plant. Not this year!
The billycart wheels finally gave way. While we were out shopping Monday we came across some really sturdy wheels perfect for a billycart. The next day Josiah got to with his tools and replaced the old wheels. Willem and Matilda padded up the cart and gave it a good working out.
As always, one of the girls is part of the action.
Toasted bacon sandwiches; copious amounts of coffee and cocoa; a quiet, sunny spring morning; dogs and chooks competing for any stray tidbits... a recipe for the perfect Wallaby Scrub Brekky.
This is the tree that was covered in blossoms only a few weeks ago.
The leaves have burst on every branch offering us shade to enjoy. The hammock is in place, so is the baby swing, and each child has their favourite branch in which to sit.
I think this ornamental plum tree likes all the attention it gets!
Now I know where Josiah gets his photographic flair! John has been 'happy snappy' since he arrived. This is the rockery garden which follows the line of the seasonal creek. It is the north-east border of the yard.
And this view of the house hasn't been shown before. John has tightened our awning again so windy days and nights will be a lot quieter.