
Here's Belle... a ragamuffin of a dog! She's always up for a cuddle. She's looking almost guilty... is a tummy rub that good?!

Ginger Beer

Josiah has been busy in the kitchen. Eight bottles of 'you beaut' Wallaby Scrub ginger beer are resting under the house ready for consumption.

Trip Home from Bris on Tuesday Night

As we crossed over the border and headed towards the hills we were confronted with a most amazing sight. It's a full moon this week and through the trees ahead was shining the golden disc of the night sky. We just had to stop and try to capture the moment.

The moonbeams led us straight to Wallaby Scrub; lighting our way through the paddocks and bush and leading us home safely.


Not Enough Hours in the Day

Phew, we really tried to squeeze everything out of every minute today. Starting really early, we headed off for x-rays for Josiah's orthodontic treatment. A visit to the Enoggera Q store was next on the list where we managed to buy quite a bit of 'stuff'. Over to the orthodontist for Beth's and Elsie's appointments (the reason we actually came to town), and we finished off the morning at a park for lunch and a chill out.
Not for long though. Off we went again to pick up the x-rays for Josiah, and finally we got to Anaconda Adventure Store. Yippee! Where do we start? Well, the shoe section for Elsie was a good place. Then over to the furniture section for some more double bunks and some knick-knacks. The children could hold out no longer... it was off to the climbing wall. Everyone made it to the top this time. Lilly was 'stoked'. Elsie can just about run up the wall now. Her legs go right up to her hips!
Josiah had his first visit with the orthodontist today, his moulds were cast, and in four weeks time he'll have his blocks fitted. He was pretty happy about starting his treatment.
Now we are waiting for Elsie to finish her sword class. It has been a very busy day, got a lot achieved, and I'm thoroughly exhausted. The city is so different from our Wallaby Scrub, and I noticed I can't see as many stars tonight. We'll be off home tomorrow around lunch time. But first we will check out the big shopping centre because I hear all the end of financial year sales are on.....