We have arrived!!!!!

It is now Monday evening, and I'm sitting amongst boxes, baskets, bags and ... mess. The move went well. In fact, I rehearsed the move during my sleep on Thursday night. Worst sleep I have had in a long time. Quite a peculiar feeling no longer having the city house. All the stress of moving and packing have floated away, now I am just excited.
A lot of the unpacking has been achieved but there really is stuff just everywhere. I didn't realise how many books I actually had packed. Now I need to find somewhere to put them.
We've all slept well the two nights we've been here. The weather has been perfect - cold nights, brisk mornings, cloudless days.
John went into town today and got his chainsaw fixed. So much for the city mob saying it was unfixable. And it cost him $15. So he came home and chopped wood.
Got to do some sewing this afternoon while Willem slept. Just one patch. I had to relax for a time today, it has been so non stop since we got here. The children have been very helpful but it must be hard for them sticking around to work when there is so much playing to be done.
Because we are connected to dial up internet at the moment, I'm not even going to try to download any photos. But hopefully, within a couple of weeks we'll be on broadband...and I will make up for any lack of photos then.
Nearly all the grass has been mown, and wow! it looks good. Should bring the wallabies down in the morning to graze.
Elsie has managed to read one of the novels she borrowed from K & C - 425 pages. Where does she find the time? I haven't caught up with what the children have been doing. They spent some time down the shearing shed today and I heard that they had erected a flying fox. Jack made a little camp fire today and boiled the billy for a cuppa. The bikes were in constant use also. Actually, I don't think they stopped all day - except for food.
Well, it's good to be at Wallaby Scrub, we've arrived home.