Willem John
16 and a half months old
My first look is at the youngest Gutty. Although Willem is only in his second year, he believes he is no different from all the others. He expects the same treatment, food, jobs, games, and privileges as the older children. He is extremely confident in his abilities, and is self assured in his position in the family.
My little man would be outside all the time if permitted. Not possible, unfortunately. His biggest brother enjoys taking him for walks around 'The Common', and big sister Beth let him help collect kindling this morning.

Willem is by nature a helper. He loves to join in the work of the household. Carting wood from the verandah to the wood bin and sweeping the floor would be two of his favourites. He enjoys colouring with his two littlest sisters; colouring books, paper, his sisters and himself. He has quite a fixation with textas and whiteboard markers.

He has discovered Milo. The children have one cold Milo a day (that way the Milo lasts a few days). Willem goes from cup to cup and probably has more than any of them. He's got them all around his little finger.

When I sew or am sitting at the laptop, Willem likes to climb up onto my lap. He fiddles with things, points and "Ooooh's" at interesting noises and pictures, and rocks to the rythmic turning of the sewing machine. Ooops, here he comes now....up on my lap...uhoh!...I think I need to change something.

The fire is glowing its warmth into the kitchen, a couple of the children are watching a DVD about Ireland, the littler ones are setting up their mattresses. Willem has taken up his favourite position and it won't be long before Wallaby Scrub lies silent until the winter sun shines on it again.