What's Been Happening...

Last Friday we went to town to check the mail and other stuff, and we ended up at the Roadhouse. We always go there now to catch up with our friends, Sandra and Kevin. It was lunchtime so we cooked toasted cheese sandwiches on an enormous grill, sat in airconditioned comfort, watched a bit of midday tv, and popped the dirty dishes into a dishwasher.... Aahhh! The simple comforts of civilization.
Jack and Lilly went bike riding today. First he had to repair a puncture on Lilly's tyre, then they headed up the Gully Track. Jack had to put the little dragon away that he had been carrying all day, so he could ride. We need to keep them out of the puppies' and cats' reach because they think they are rather tasty.
Elsie and I saw the white bunny down near the shed this week. Elsie was able to get right up close to it, but then it was frightened by a noise and bounded away.
Some terrific storms have let loose on us this last week. Thunderings and lightenings abounded. Filled the tanks, but not as much as I had hoped. Just this afternoon we had to start syphoning water from the bigger black tank to fill the washing tub. But it is raining again, now; we'll just have to wait and see.
Josiah has been busy in the kitchen. Self saucing chocky pud one night, pancakes tonight. He helped eat two fruit pies with extremely short crusts and meringue topping, with a good helping of hot boiled custard. Yummy spaghetti jaffles were on the menu for yesterday's lunch, and frankfurts for dinner. I like having another enthusiastic cook around the house. And I've been spending a lot of time at my sewing machine. With Christmas just around the corner I've got some serious sewing to get done. I'll post some pre Christmas peeks of the products of my industry next week. Here's a hint... they can be cuddled.
Bethany and Elsie slept in the tent a few nights back. They took the little generator down with them so they could watch dvds while they ate marshmallows and toast.
So another week goes by at Wallaby Scrub. Not too many more now before John returns and we head up north again. Mmmm.... sigh!


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