Aaah! Rotavirus...
Well now I realise what was affecting Matilda on Sunday night. I now have Emily, Jessica and Bethany down with it. Hucking and chucking, unsure of which end to put on the bowl. Lovely, huh?! Josiah is quite sure that this is worse than the black death, and is keeping a lot more than the necessary distance. It's peaceful at the moment, but it is the lull following the storm. We had two showers going, one had a vomitting 3 year old sitting in the recess, the other a 7 year old that had been vomitted on; I was mopping up the tiles with old cloth nappies, and then washing the tiles; putting on the clothes washer with soiled clothing, towels, rags; comforting little Willem who had been woken by the uproar; and then had my 12 year old daughter head first in the bowl. Ah! Motherhood.... Had a great day otherwise. Elsie had her two hours of swordsmanship, sparring with the other guys in the class. The rest of the children completed their bookwork in the shade at the park during Elsie's lesson. Willem practiced with the plastic sword, as usual, very cute. After the books, the kids hit the climbing tree. They're such little monkeys. All afternoon was spent at Tammy's. Her eight, our eight, and a neighbour's one, only 17 children. I'm always stunned and delighted at how well the children play together. 'Myth Buster' DVDs were played, robotic Lego assembled, sand castles built and demolished, many sandwiches assembled and devoured, 'Valiant' DVD enjoyed, poison balls thrown and avoided, 'Little People' animated, scratches bandaided, and many other wonderful adventures were experienced. Have a go at these gorgeous little spuds...

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